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Showing posts from July, 2009

"The Anger of the Lord [Is] Kindled against His People,"

2 Nephi 15:24-25 "Therefore, as the fire..." Footnote on "fire" has at least two implied meanings: The light that emanates from Christ himself. Those faithful remnants of the house of Israel in the last days (see 3 Nephi 20:16 ). This second thought I had not considered. This suggests that the Saints will be the ones that are doing work in the latter days. While the scripture referenced above sounds rather destructive, I recall reading just last evening that the Saint's power to lead in the last days would be noted because of their unique capacity towards kindness and Christ-like compassion. So where the scripture talk of destruction of the wicked and power to consume, which in a sense is calculated to bring fear into the hearts of the wicked, the reality of the issue is that the power and capacity for good that is exhibited by the Saints will be increased. Their works will be works of kindness, love, and great mercy. Yet ironically, in the hearts of the wicked,...

To ""Take Away the Righteousness of the Righteous," 2 Nephi 15:22-23

2 Nephi 15:22-23 " Wo unto the mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink; "Who justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!" A footnote that leads to Proverbs 31:3-9 talks about how kings and princes should not drink wine, nor be drunk for the express purpose of being able to judge righteous judgment upon those that need it, especially in relation to the cause of the poor and needy. What continues to stand out to me as I return to these verses is how Isaiah condemns wine and strong drink because of it distorting properties which allows mighty and strong men to justify the wicked and deprive the righteous of their just reward. The footnote on "reward" in verse 23 leads to a topical guide entry for "bribery". Curiously enough, the word used in Spanish for "reward" is the equivalent of "bribery". I have not before seriously considered the implications of strong dri...

"Wise in Thier Own Eyes," 2 Nephi 15:21

2 Nephi 15:21 "Wo unto the wise in their own eyes..." This is a clear condemnation of those that profess to be wise according to their own ideas and perceptions. Wisdom comes from God. To profess wisdom otherwise, is to publish a false doctrine as truth--relative, absolute, or however one wishes to frame it. Truth is eternal and can only fully emanate from the divine fountains of life itself. "... and prudent in their own sight!" This is the part of the verse that truly strikes me as curious this morning. "Prudent" according to their own making. It perhaps the first time that I've considered that the world's ultra-conservative idea of prudence might be off or too extreme. There is a footnote on "prudent" which leads to the topical guide listing for prudence . From there we learn that prudence for the most part is a desirable trait for a man of god. Yet, there are verses only in Isaiah and the Gospels that specifically call out the pruden...

"Them That Call Evil Good," 2 Nephi 15:20

2 Nephi 15:20 "Wo..." The list of condemnations that Isaiah pronounces against the house of Israel in his day continues. Yet, these condemnations are so applicable to me in my day. "unto them that call evil good..." There are footnotes on both "call" and "evil". The footnote that emphasizes "call" condemns those that would take judgment upon themselves, assuming that they know better than the Lord what is good and what is evil. Moroni reminds us in chapter 7, verses 14 &18 that we should not judge wrongfully, judging the evil thing to be of God, or that which is of God to be evil. Most importantly, at the end of verse 18, Moroni states, "For with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged." This is a very interesting thought, that as I choose to treat and perceive others, so shall I be treated and perceived by God in the end. There is something of a secret in becoming like God in this simple observation. ...

To "Draw Iniquity with Cords of Vanity," 2 Nephi 15:18-19

2 Nephi 15:18-19 Vs 18- " Wo unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope;" The word "draw" in these verses means to pull. This is a visual image of an abstract concept. The image is of someone pulling on a cord to drag behind them some large burden. It is interesting that it is called "vanity". One might ask himself, why would someone knowingly be so attached to their iniquities as to drag them behind them; it is because of their vanity. Vanity, in other terms, maybe known as pride or vain ambition. Vanity is the result of placing our hopes and dreams in our own wishes and not in valuing or accepting the will of the Lord. In different, yet similar terms, the same idea is expressed again in the second half of the verse. In Spanish, it this part of the verse that offers a footnote on this passage suggesting that sin is compared to the bond between the beast and its cart. The visual in my head is of an ox, slowly plo...