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Showing posts from October, 2008

"A Seer Will I Raise Up," 2 Nephi 3:6-11

2 Nephi 3:6-11 In this discussion on how the seed of Joseph of Egypt would be preserved, Lehi quotes from records that they had (probably on the Brass Plates, their equivalent to the Old Testament) prophecies from Joseph of Egypt about a seer (or a prophet) who would preform a work of great value to his descendants. In this grouping of verses, it goes on to explain the significance of this particular work: the recipients of the work would come to know of covenants that the Lord had made with their forefathers. Joseph said that this seer would be great like unto Moses. His work would be different from that of Moses, specifically his task would be to bring forth and establish the word of God, both in revealing new records and in clarifying existing records. Again, Joseph reiterated that this work would be of great value to his posterity. The significance in Joseph's mind of being able to see this seer in modern times is that it gave him the reassurance of the fulfillment of a promis...

"[Joseph] Obtained a Promise of the Lord", 2 Nephi 3:4-5

2 Nephi 3:4-5 Here Father Lehi begins to explain the significance of being a direct descendant of Joseph of Egypt. He simply taught his son, Joseph, that their forefather had received great covenant promises from God. Specifically, Joseph was promised that the Lord would preserve a righteous branch of his seed, that would be broken off and yet remembered in the covenants of the Lord. Then even more specifically, the way that they would be remembered is by a manifestation of the Messiah to them in the latter-days (our days), "in the spirit of power, unto the bringing of them out of darkness unto light—yea, out of hidden darkness and out of captivity unto freedom,"( vs 5 ). God will do his work among his people, and has in many instances already begun to liberate his captive children through faith in Christ according to the conditions of this ancient covenant. But if the words of the prophets are true (and I believe they are), we have only begun to scratch the surface of the f...

"Born... in the Days of My Greatest Sorrow," 2 Nephi 3:1-3

2 Nephi 3:1-3 (Perhaps this should be a post on my wife's blog about child birth from a father's perspective.) These three verses paint a very strong argument for our prerogative to bare children. Here is a father's reflection on the circumstances surrounding the birth of his youngest son. Lehi describes the place where Joseph was born as "the wilderness of mine afflictions" and the time as "the days of my greatest sorrow". Yes, to me this is curious that Lehi and Sariah felt the need to bare children on the road to the new world. From a worldly perspective, the timing couldn't have been worse. But that timing some twenty or thirty years later, now seemed to father Lehi to be the substance of profound blessings and promises from the Lord. Lehi talks of the land being consecrated for Joseph and his posterity. Lehi also promises his youngest son that his posterity would not be utterly destroyed. This was a blessing for Joseph, but was probably even m...

"The Great Mediator of All Men," 2 Nephi 2:26-30

2 Nephi 2:26-30 In these verses is one of the undergirding doctrines that supports all of humanity, not exclusively the Latter-day Saints. As the fall of man necessarily and universally removed him from God's presence, so it is that the redemption through the Holy Messiah overcomes the effects of that enough in this life to make men free agents for themselves to choose between good and evil. At the most basic level, the power to discern is a gift from God available to all men. This is similar to the idea that I had discussed in an earlier post (the post was actually made in Spanish but was in reference to verses 9 and 10 ), that Christ had interceded on behalf of all, or in other words, prepared a path of redemption for all men. Even in verse 27 , he is called "the great Mediator of all men".

"...That They Might Have Joy," 2 Nephi 2: 14-25

2 Nephi 2: 14-25 I had at first thought to entitle this entry: Creation and the Fall, but then I kept going. Lehi's purpose in offering this brief review of these two hallmarks of the Plan of Salvation is that it leads to a discussion on repentance and ultimately, joy. It is valid to remember that in a state of innocence there is neither misery nor joy--for the one cannot exist without the other. The more salient point is that God want us to in our physical bodies to experience a fullness of joy. Or in so many words, it is better to experience joy, though the process to get there may be painful, than to remain in innocence and utterly devoid of experience.

For There Must Be... "Opposition in All Things," 2 Nephi 2:9-13

2 Nephi 2:9-13 As it is not so much my intention to offer an comprehensive study of the scriptures, but to make a record of impressions that I receive along the course of my study, I proceed with this entry under this pretext. Following the footnotes for opposition, I come to Matthew 5:45 where the Savior taught to pray for everyone, especially for those with wicked intentions, to the end that we may become children of our Father in Heaven. Not that we will become set apart to some other, more elevated sphere of ecstasy. By praying for our enemies, we humble ourselves to caring about the depraved and godless. We make them our concern, our hearts are turned toward them. Then perhaps we see them more as our Father sees them. Then we become children of God, because we begin to see others the way that God sees them. We feel for them like our Father feels for them. We become like God in this sense. Thus the Savior of man says at the end of chapter 5 in Matthew, "Be ye therefore perfe...

"Redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah," 2 Nephi 2:5 & 6

2 Nephi 2:5 & 6 I've combed through the cross references to verses 5 & 6 this morning, and found myself concluding that man is fallen, and would be always, unless he come to rely wholly upon Jesus Christ (see 1 Nephi 10:6 ). The absoluteness of this simple statement is impressed upon me again. As mortals we are given enough to understand that alone man is carnal, subject to the effects of a broken law, and hopelessly consigned to a fate of misery and death. Only by exercising faith in the merits of Christ can we leave that consignment. Christ is the sure road to salvation. And besides Him alone, there is no other way. This absolute dependence upon my Savior is somehow what I lack yet.