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"Seek... God," 2 Nephi 18:19-22

2 Nephi 18:19-22

This final grouping of verses from this chapter contains another accusation against Israel for looking for answers elsewhere, rather than from God.

Verse 19 condemns sooth-sayers, fortune tellers, wizards, those that seek to speak with the dead, etc. with this very simple question: "Should not a people seek unto their God for the living to hear from the dead? "

There is a footnote on this verse that leads to 1 Samuel 28:8-20, which tells about the fall and demise of Saul, who in failed attempts to communicate with God turned to a woman who practiced sooth-saying, or in other words, wizardry and fortune-telling. The account would almost be humorous, if it wasn't so hopeless and uninspiring.

The woman knew that Saul, who was king, had condemned and sought out to destroy those with familiar spirits and wizards. So Saul ,at this point where his kingdom is on the brink of takeover, under disguise and compelled by fear, comes to this woman to find answers.

Saul sought to talk with Samuel the prophet. In the biblical passages it says that Samuel came unto him. They talk and the brunt of Samuel's message was this: why are you trying to talk to me when God, who's servant I am, has become your enemy? Manifested within Saul is the human tendency to ignore one's own sins while still hoping that one can be found doing good.

Back in 2 Nephi 18, verse 20 reads "To the law and to the testimony." This is the standard of the Lord, and if an individual does not abide by these precepts, then in them there is no light.

There are those who will blaspheme the organization of the Church as one too large and inherently corrupt as a result. And in a world, where darkness and corruption abound, it's not hard to see where these accusation could come from, or upon what grounds such assumptions could be made. But the law and the testimony, which is now found centrally in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its leadership, has become a great standard for the world to turn to.

These types take the gospel at a superficial face value, and as such, verse 21 says that they are still hungry and are left to roam aimlessly and curse God because they themselves would not listen to or believe the words of the prophets. Darkness, anguish, and confusion are their companions. They would pretend in their own minds to have answers, but yet are left without explanation to contemplate the chaos.


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