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"Have You Sufficiently Retained in Remembrance," Alma 5:1-13

Alma 5:1-13

There is a lot of good doctrine to cover in this chapter. I recently have been reminded of the need for appreciation (gratitude) in my comings and goings. Alma seems focused similarly in his introduction to the people of Zarahemla. The history of the previous generation of the Church, of their oppressions and deliverance, is the topic of Alma's introduction. Alma first discusses their physical captivity, but then goes on to ask if the people had also remembered that the Lord had delivered their souls from hell. (vs. 6)

Then in verses 7-9, Alma explains how it was that their redemption (deliverance from hell) was made possible:
  • The Lord "changed their hearts" 
  • The Lord did awaken them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. 
  • "Their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word"
  • The bands of death were broken, and the chains of hell loosed, and their souls did expand to sing songs of redeeming love. 
Alma then states that their souls are saved, and then goes on to explain the conditions of that salvation. Alma explains that his father began by hearing the word of God from the mouth of Abinadi, a holy prophet. (vs. 11) "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17)  It was then Alma's faith in the word of God that brought a mighty change in his heart. (vs. 12)

This process was then repeated among his own community, where Alma then became voice for the word of God, and many believed on his words. Subsequently, "they put their trust in the true and living God," and remained faithful until the end of their lives. Hence, Alma concludes that because of this their faithfulness to the end that they were saved. (vs. 13)

This was the inheritance of the the people of Zarahemla during the reign of Alma the Younger. Hence, the first thing that was required of the rising generation was for them to recognize and appreciate the sacrifices and faith that they had inherited from their fathers. The key to greatness is in humility, to recognize that we could not stand where we do now stand if it wasn't for the faith and sacrifice and endurance of those that came before us.


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