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"A Holy Calling... Without Beginning or End," Alma 13:1-13

Alma 13:1-13

Immediately following a discussion on the Plan of Redemption and a call to repentance at the end of chapter 12, Alma then begins to discuss the priesthood and the calling of high priests. Perhaps it's a little clearer in my mind this time as I read it, but the two topics are more closely related than I had previously supposed.

The difference between those called to the high priesthood and those who are not is distinguished solely by the individual's ability to exercise faith and perform good works. Alma explains that in all other regards men are equal (see vs. 4-5). The great divide among men is on whether men will repent of their sins and exercise faith in Christ, or not.

The purposes of this high priesthood is to point men to Christ (see vs. 9), even the residue of men, that they might see how it is that they can return to God by following the path that those who have been ordained high priests have had to follow in order to qualify for that ordination.


  1. A couple of thoughts... I think 13:1-2 have strong temple connections... the priest were teaching what is taught in our temple and there was something about how the priests were ordained that taught them about how to look for salvation in Christ.

    this is from a temple fireside I did a few months ago...
    Alma 12-13
    13:1 “…remember that the Lord ordained priests after his holy order to teach these things to the people” What are these things?

    12:22-37 Story Adam and Eve and of the fall, the tree of life, the this life is a time to prepare to meet God, about the plan of redemptions and the atonement. That God sent angels to teach Adam and Eve that they should call upon his name and not do evil, that through the Only Begotten Son they should enter into his rest.

    13:2 those priest were ordained in a manner that the people might know what manner to look forward to his Son for Redemption. What manner?

    Exodus 29 this ye shall do to hallow them to minister in the priest office… wash them with water, cloth them with garments, robes girdles, pour oil on their heads, put bonnets on them… consecrate them.
    See Leviticus 21:10 esp footnote c to understand what the word consecrate means.

  2. Great insights. I'm just now going back through these verse in Spanish and I'll keep in mind the temple a little more this time reading through them.


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