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"Are Ye Priests?" Mosiah 12:25-32

Mosiah 12:25-32

This stirring rebuke that I have chosen as title for this entry causes me to reflect upon my own ministry/stewardship. I appreciate that in Abinadi's probings there is an inherent understanding of the duties and responsibilities which accompany the office and calling of a servant of the Lord. What is even more interesting are the first two points of expectation that he hold for these pretended priests: 1) He expects them to teach. 2) He expects them to understand the spirit of prophecy.

What follows is then something of a checklist of pitfalls to avoid as a priest or minister of God's children:
  1. Observe your own teachings. Be not a hypocrite.
  2. Do not set your hearts upon riches.
  3. Do not waste your strength in riotous living. 
  4. Do not cause those who follow you to sin because of your unrighteousness. 
As I contemplate this situation further, Abinadi is talking to them as if they had been ordained ministers of God. He is ignoring the fact that their appointment was entirely based off of a wicked king's personal preferences.  Perhaps Abinadi has some sense, or hope, of the outcome that will result from his testimony.

There is another assumption or expectation laid out by Abinadi here. The appointment of a priest bring with it the expectation to become a teacher of the ways of God. He accuses these men of failing in their office, the accusation that brings with it a sense of weight about the calling to which they had been set apart.

Am I a priest? Than I am expected to uphold the ways of the Lord. Do I understand the weight and duty of my assignments? Then I ought to teach according to my understanding.


  1. It makes you wonder whether Abinadi was one of the priests of King Zeniff, that were put down by King Noah. He was certainly very well-versed in the scriptures and the law, and his right to the priesthood would have given his reproof to the wicked priests more authority.


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