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"He Hath Blessed Mine House," Alma 10:7-12

Alma 10:7-12

After Amulek's introduction, in six verses he shares his personal witness of Alma as a prophet and a holy man. Amulek learns by what appears to be two separate angelic visitations 1) the character and office of Alma  (vs. 7) and 2) the validity of Alma's teachings to the people of Ammonihah (vs. 10).

I've always glossed over the second angelic visitation, lumping it together as one with the first. But Amulek specifically says that this visitation came while Alma was at his house. We know that Alma dwelt at Amulek's house for many days before they returned to the public square to address the people, and what seems to have happened here while Alma was in the house of Amulek is an intense period of personal ministry and training for both Amulek and his household.

While in verse 10, Amulek cites the angel's witness as validity of the things which Alma had taught. Amulek then goes further to explain that Alma had blessed every member of his household: himself, his women, his children, his father, his kinsfold, and all his kindred (extended family?). "The blessing of the Lord hath rested upon us according to the words which he spake." (vs. 11)

There is in these verses a key to obtaining greater peace and happiness in family life by bringing the words of the living prophets into our homes and families. Amulek tried it, and it blessed every member of his household. 


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