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"These Records Are True," Mosiah 1

Mosiah 1

The value of education, as being requisite to exercising faith in Christ, is reinforced in these opening verses. Typically, in the eyes of the world, those with education are regarded as less spiritually inclined. However, one of the unique characteristics of the Church of Jesus Christ is that this is just the opposite, the more educated the more inclined the individual is to be spiritual.

The first half of this chapter discusses Benjamin's efforts to educate his three sons. The second half deals with the transfer of the kingdom to his oldest son, Mosiah.  In both settings, Benjamin puts greatest emphasis in the simple principles of faithfulness and obedience. This explains how this leader was able to obtain peace in his lifetime, for he knew 1) from what he had studied in the scriptures of civilizations past and 2) his own experience in a leadership capacity that those who kept the commandments of God should prosper in the land according to the promises which the Lord had made with their fathers.

Going back through Benjamin's exhortation to his sons regarding the scriptures, his motivation was to educate his sons so that they could read and understand the records that had been preserved by the hand of God for them. In verse 5, Benjamin very clearly states that if they didn't have the records, they would be as were the Lamanites, without any knowledge of God, both in His mysteries and in His commandments.

Then as Benjamin gives charge to his son Mosiah in preparation for the transfer of the kingdom, he explains that the reasons for their prosperity are the direct result of the people's obedience to the commandments of God. (see verse 11) This diligence in keeping the Lord's commandments also gave them direct access to the power of God, which was their source of unfailing protection against the Lamanites. How rare and amazing to find a leader who understood these simple truths, that prosperity and happiness and peace are the direct results of the people's willingness to keep the laws of God.

Yea, and moreover I say unto you, that if this highly favored people of the Lord should fall into transgression, and become a wicked and an adulterous people, that the Lord will deliver them up, that thereby they become weak like unto their brethren; and he will no more preserve them by his matchless and marvelous power, as he has hitherto preserved our fathers.

For I say unto you, that if he had not extended his arm in the preservation of our fathers they must have fallen into the hands of the Lamanites, and become victims to their hatred. (verses 13 and 14)
Benjamin, as a means of helping his people to remember the Lord is about to bestow upon this people a new name that will unify them as a people, because of their diligence up to that point. (verses 11 and 12) This was not unlike covenants made in our days in temples, which are calculated only to increase allegiance to Christ and to keep us in remembrance of that promise.


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